
Showing posts from March, 2012


Last night while comfortably snuggled up with my sweetie watching tv something bit my belly and when I jumped up to brush whatever it was that so rudely bit me I was bit again, this time on my pinky finger.  I was outraged and each bite burned for some time afterwards.  I didn't know what it was that bit me and after searching the floor nearby I found the offending insect.  It was an ant so large I could practically make out an expression on it's mean little face.  Steve smashed the ant into a smear on the tile floor.  He's my hero. We were relaxing after coming back from a short trip to South Africa.  The trip was to renew Steve's Gabonese pilot's license and of course one has to travel to South Africa to renew a Gabonese license... it makes perfect sense...  We were a long way from Libreville while in South Africa, not just in distance but in almost every possible way.  From driving on the opposite side of the roads to the roads themselves, th...